Monday, 29 July 2013

Chopping up the Exup

Today I laid my spanners to rest and picked up a handy angle grinder, I set about cutting everything that was slightly unnecessary off of the subframe, this is to improve the bikes lines and save a surprising amount of weight!

I also cut down the seat foam and the seat pan. Ive decided to leave the original seat lock the key is on the other side of the bike. Using the steel frame attached to seat frame that houses the seat lock I will weld on a steel plate that will be used to mount the rear light and the new seat unit that I still need to fabricate up.

Below show a rough card cut out that will be used to join the rear two beams of the subframe and add rigidity to the subframe. This also meet the rear mudguard and will be bolted to it this should keep the seat and all the wiring dry.

This is another one of my abstract photos, its meant to show a card cut out that meets the seat lock frame at either end and then shows the plate that will be welded on. This plate will first have another plate welded on perpendicular to it this will be the backing for the new seat foam.

On top of this plate I will also fabricate a rear light mount however i will not be using the original rear light anymore as it just looks too big i need a more slim rear end  :).

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