Sunday, 23 August 2015

EXUP Clocks Mount

The bike has been sat in my garage whilst I have been away. No work has been carried out since last summer, however now I have more time, energy and parts to get cracking. I hope to get the bike up and running before the end of my summer which lasts about a month.

I have had an adapter machined up to make the speedometer fit the EXUP im not sure what bike it was originally fitted to. The adapter just screws onto the new speedo M16x1.0 and has a male thread to fit the existing speedo cable M12x1.0.

I decided to make up a speedo and rev counter holder today, I will use 16swg stainless steel. I started by using a cardboard template to get an idea for how it could be mounted to prevent it fouling the headlight. 

I used the clocks and the ignition barrel as a template to draw around. There are two M6 studs underneath the top yoke that hold the ignition barrel on. These will be used to support the bracket.

After getting a rough idea of what shape material I needed, I cut some sheet metal and drilled one 6.5mm hole for one of the mounting studs. Once I had offered up the bracket I marked a location for the next hole.

The clock holes were a pain, I haven't got hole cutters so I had to remove as much material as I could with an angle grinder and file the details. I am actually pretty happy with the roundness and the fit of the clocks but it took alot of work.

I used the studs locations as a datum for my measurements for the bend line and the clocks baseline.

 Clocks fit tightly into the bracket.
 Bracket prior to bending.
This is a C-clamp that uses studs on the back of the clocks to tighten down onto the bracket and hold the clock in place. Again stainless sheet metal was used for the brackets.

The next step will be to start looking at the wiring and sorting the fabrication of the seat unit.

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