Saturday, 2 August 2014

Seat Fabrication

So with the pipes bent into shape and slotted onto the existing box section of the subframe, it was time to weld them in place and then go about skinning it with 0.9mm stainless steel.
 A qiuck prerp with a polishing wheel ensured a solid weld.
 Action Shots.

 The stainless sheet was roughly cut to shape them tacked on at the bottom. I used a hammer to roll the edges over the pipe to make the gap between the sheet and pipe as minimal as possible.

 To reduce heat concentration the tacs were spaced out at first and then repeated on the other side then we went over the original tacs to improve the all round strength. Note in the inage above there has been a stainless bar welded across this will be the mudguard mount once the mudguard has had some further butchering.
Shiny stainless underside looks pretty cool.

Fabrication wise there is still alto to do:

Tabs for the four relays.
Mounts for indicators brake light and license plate.
Finish off the mudguard mount.
Then fabricate the top of the seat unit and complete a frame work and skin it with more stainless steel.

Once the welding is complete it will be filled and rubbed down ready for paint.

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