Wednesday, 4 September 2013

New Footpegs

On my last couple of bikes I customised the original footpegs. This firstly adds detail and hopefully good aesthetics to the bike but it also sheds weight which is a huge bonus.

On these footpegs I wanted them to follow the contours that the seat unit will have, I wanted them to be sharp and shiny like the frame.

I started by covering them in masking tape and marking out design ideas over the top in biro this took many attempts to find a design I liked. Finally I decided on a random pattern using random sized holes. I found either clear lines all of the same size holes or random lines with random holes sizes works well. Straight lines with random hole sizes dont look right. Maybe thats just me.

I marked out most of the holes I wanted and centre punched every one of them, once the drilling was completed I cut off two sides of the foot peg so they ended at a point then I ground down the other side so at either end there was a point.

After deburring the holes I started rubbing down the surface from 120 to 1200 wet and dry. Then polished up the side. Due to a simple and small surface area this only took an afternoon to polish both.

Below you can see how I tried to make to foot peg follow the lines of the chassis.

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