Thursday, 22 August 2013

Welding Begins!!!

After depriving the Yam of its rear end I decided to give it all a good degrease and clean around the frame mounts and on the front sprocket cover. It was covered in the usual mixture of road gunk and chain lube.

The bike will be getting a new Hagon rear shock that will look very nice with new cleaned frame mounts and a fresh finish on the swinging arm.

The original exhaust mount had been bent and corroded out of recognition so i decided to cut it back until there was good solid steel to weld onto, then clean it up and TIG on some 50mm diamter pipe 12swg.
Thankfully my best mate Andy is a dab hand at TIG pipe welding. Hes normally working with much thinker gauge steel so it was a challenge. Plus the join had literally no clearance. I like to challenge him!

The pipe looks like its sticking out pissed and that's because it is. I will cut it down and re weld it once i've put the old swinging arm and shock onto make sure we have clearance when the suspension is at max extension, also to make sure it doesn't melt the riders right foot.

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